Volume 4 Issue 4, July-August 2022

Comparative Study of Acepromazine-Xylazine and Acepromazine-Tramadol for Sedation in Rabbits

Oguntoye C.O. || Adetunji A || Asudemade R.A.

Country - Nigeria

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The degree of sedation and analgesia produced by intramuscular administration of the mixture of 1mg/kg acepromazine and 5mg/kg xylazine (ACE/XYL group) as well as 1mg/kg acepromazine, and 2mg/kg Tramadol (ACE/TRA group) were evaluated in six adult male rabbits (New Zealand/ American Chinchilla cross-breed), weighing between 1.0kg to 2.0kg. Changes in heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR) and rectal temperature (RT) were also evaluated at 10- minute intervals over a 2-hour period. No significant difference (p> 0.05) in onset of sedation with ACE/XYL and ACE/TRA was observed. Time to recumbency with ACE/XYL (7.50 ± 0.7min) was shorter(p< 0.05) compared to ACE/TRA (19.67 ± 3.1min). Duration of recumbency with ACE/XYL (88.33± 5.7 min) was longer (p< 0.05) than ACE/TRA (70.33 ± 8.1min). Onset of analgesia with ACE/XYL (30.17+ 3.3min) and ACE/TRA (27.7 ± 2.6 min) were not different (p>0.05). Duration of analgesia with ACE/XYL (81.67 ± 12.1min) was longer than ACE/TRA (60.00 ± 5.8min) buttime to walk with ACE/XYL (13.67 ± 2.1min) and ACE/TRA (8.17 ± 1.6 min) were not different (p>0.05). Sedation was profound with ACE/XYL but moderate with ACE/XTR. RR and RT were similar but HR were lower with ACE/XYL than ACE/TRA. It was concluded that both ACE/XYL and ACE/XTR can achieve safe sedation accompanied by analgesia in healthy rabbits. ACE/XYL will be a better choice forprocedures requiring deep sedation.


Victor O. Fuentes Hernandez

Country - México

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This study, conducted in two stages, the first in vivo, using dogs of different breeds and weights, a total of 46 dogs were randomly selected in two batches of 23 dogs separated by 5 linear metres. A total of 46 dogs were randomly selected in two batches of 23 dogs, separated by 5 linear metres. At the start of the first study, both batches (control and medicated) had 100% flea infestation on their skin. At 24 hours, the medicated group had 45% infestation, and 100% in the control group. At 48 hours, 100% infestation was observed in the control group, while in the group treated with d-limonene the absence of fleas was total, a state that prevailed until the end of the 2nd week. At the end of the 3rd week of observation the presence of fleas became apparent in the treated group up to 45%, while in the experimental group the infestation remained 100%. At the end of the 4th week the infestation in the treated group increased to 90%. During the course of this study no symptoms of neurologgial damage was observed in dos medicated with d-limonene.