Volume 5 Issue 5, September-October 2023

The Effect of Planting Media and Foliar Fertilizer on the Acclimatization Stage on the Appearance of Aglaonema ‘Lady Valentine’

Pangesti Nugrahani || Sri Wiyatiningsih || Damasa Ines Larissa || Maryam

Country - Indonesia

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The research was conducted to get the best treatment on the appearance of Aglaonema Lady Valentine ornamental plants grown on various types of growing media with foliar fertilizer application, at the acclimatization stage. The study was conducted using a completely randomized design with one factor consisting of 9 treatments. P1: soil + compost + husk charcoal, P2: soil + compost + cocopeat, P3: soil + compost + ferns, P4: soil + compost + husk charcoal + PLP fertilizer, P5: soil + compost + cocopeat + PLP fertilizer, P6: soil + compost + ferns + PLP fertilizer, P7: soil + compost + husk charcoal + Growmore, P8: soil + compost + cocopeat + Growmore, P9: soil + compost + ferns + Growmore. Parameters of plant appearance observed were number of leaves, leaf area, plant height, number of shoots/saplings, and leaf color. The results showed that the treatment of soil + compost + rice husk charcoal generally produced the best performance of Aglaonema plants, recorded in the parameters of plant height, number of leaves, width, length, and leaf area. Treatment of soil + compost + fern media with the addition of Aglaonema PLP foliar fertilizer, showed poor plant performance.

A descriptive study of poultry production flows in Tra Vinh Province, Vietnam

Nguyen Hoang Qui || Nguyen Van Tho

Country - vietnam

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The study involved with 166 farmers from three districts of Tra Vinh Province, Vietnam. The study was using the purposive sampling method to collect data to determine the social economic status of poultry farmers and poultry production flow in Tra Vinh Province including three districts. A descriptive statistic was used to describe the social profiles and production input, output of this study. The criteria of selecting respondents were (1) birds available at farm (2) at least 2 years of experience. The findings showed that poultry farmers in 3 districts from 40-60 years old and mostly male. Cang Long district had more farmers working in animal field than others and had more family member working at farm while respondents from all three districts received less than 100$ per month from poultry production. In Tra Vinh province, farmers raised their poultry for meat and egg purpose which were usually sold to middleman. Raising for household consumption was also recorded in this study. Traditional raising methods were confirmed in this area by feeding agricultural by-products and household leftover for birds. From farmers, poultry egg and meat had to pass many stakeholders before going to consumers.